CT-05 RM Francis - Begins in pink and repeats.
0:00 Karlheinz Stockhausen “Stimmung”
1:31 Georg Friedrich Haas “limited approximations”
2:38 Stine Janvin “Tripple A”
4:36 tuuun “!@! !@! !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@! @!@ !@! @!!”
5:30 Marcin Pietruszewski “sieveSequence(003)”
6:34 Russell Haswell “Trappers Bait Digital Caller”
9:23 Jennifer Walshe “Johannes Ockeghem: Missa Prolationum, Kyrie”
9:46 Victor Moragues “0015A”
10:51 Francis Dhomont “Novars”
13:31 Emptyset “Bulb”
15:37 3.14… “xwu, 7, en”
15:54 Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami “In the Glass, Kaneda/Playback Speed at 1/5”
17:31 Bernard Parmegiani “Exercismes 2”
18:25 Prants “Some Damned Chrysalis”
21:44 Martin Neukom “18.10”
24:36 Hecker “IV”
25:29 Peter Maximowitsch “vreago_012”
27:03 John Wall & Alex Rodgers “Wrongfoot the Servants & Darkshop”
29:10 WEȽ∝KER “razzi”
32:04 Tom Mudd “Brass Cultures A”
34:10 Lucrecia Dalt “ Axis Excess”
35:42 Gérard Grisey “Périodes”
37:25 Charles Dodge “In Celebration”